Meet The Team at The International Solutions for Growth Group
Dawn McKendall- Hunter - Managing Director of Educational Services
In her current role with ISG Dawn is the Managing Director of Educational Services. Her responsibilities include developing, organizing, and administering the operations of The ISG Group commercial education program.
She is skilled at providing direction and support to ISG stakeholders and clients, to ensure that coordinated and consistent operational standards are in place, that ISG Group safety and security processes are in place and utilized and that client’s development results in improved classroom instruction and increased learner achievement.
Dawn's passion lies in ensuring that all students, specifically students who learn differently, are successful in their classrooms and are set up to realize their dreams. She comes to ISG with 16 years of educational experience.

Dawn began as a teacher and taught in grades kindergarten through 8th, with a focus on 3rd through 6th core content and small group pull outs for specialized instruction.
Dawn is skilled in MTTS, specifically organization and implementation of a school wide Response to Intervention program for both academic and behavior. Her career was elevated by her move into leadership as an Academic Dean, an Assistant Principal, and finally Principal of a middle school where she oversaw the educational experiences of 570 middle school students.